Scholarship Opportunities
All applicants must complete the scholarship application.
Who can apply?
Elected or Appointed Officials
Elected or appointed officials of municipal governments in Pennsylvania. This may also include officially appointed members of a municipal board or commission, i.e.- planning commission or zoning hearing board.
Individuals who have successfully been elected but have yet to be seated are eligible to apply for a scholarship to attend a training course relevant to local government.
A maximum of one scholarship per person, per calendar year may be awarded.


Training Events
Applicants may apply for a scholarship to attend an educational event that would serve to enhance the skills and knowledge in their current position in local government.
Examples include: Conferences, workshops, seminars, and webinars.
Scholarships may be used to cover the cost of registration and course materials. Travel, food or overnight lodging expenses are not eligible for consideration.
Maximum scholarship award for 2024 will be no more than $150 or 50% of the cost of registration for a class, whichever is less. The Institute reserves the right to make the final determination of the amount of the scholarship.
Required Documentation
Proof of registration and a paid receipt that clearly identifies the person and the event for which the scholarship will apply is required.
Applicants who are awarded a scholarship must submit documentation of attendance after attending the training event in order to receive their scholarship.
Sign-off of chief elected official, supervisor/manager of person applying for scholarship is required. The person signing off must be an official of the local government where the applicant serves in an official capacity. Scholarship checks will be made payable to the individual.